4 Nauki Avenue Kharkiv, 61022 UKRAINE

About Kharkiv

About Kharkiv

Kharkiv is a city situated in the north-eastern part of Ukraine. It is the second largest city after Kiev and the first capital of the country. It is still referred to like this by its habitants who are proud of their city.

First of all Kharkiv is an industrial city. There are many factories and plants there. In this respect a flow of people head to Kharkov in search of jobs and career growth.

It is also a city of fun and entertainment. One can never be bored either in the daytine or at night. Cinemas, cafes, restaurants, disco clubs get alive when darkness goes down. Among the most popular entertainment establishments it is possible to name Misto, Bolero and restaurant of traditional Ukrainian cuisine-Sloboda. Nevertheless Kharkov has preserved all historical monuments and architecture.

Sumskaya is the longest street, lined up with shops and fashinable boutiques. Pushkinskays Street is the oldest one and is considered to be the home of the first Kharkov habitants.

The life is always in full swing here and never slows down even if it seems like this. Parks and recreational zones are the most favourite destinations for students and young people, coming from all over Ukraine to get education.

They say it is a city of students, it is a city of youth, energy and restless stream of life to be more corect.